Saturday, February 26, 2022

Machine Learning

While listening to everyone's presentations so many ideas and topics and interested me, however, one had caught my attention even more than the others. This idea was machine learning and everything is brings with it. Machine Learning is completely taking over our society as we know it and before we even realize it will be absolutely every where. For example a few categories that machine learning falls under are things such as: AI, facial recognition, medicine, everyday jobs, etc. It has already impacted us more than you could ever imagine and once you start to notice it you wont be able to stop seeing it around every corner you turn or even within the palm of your hand. 

The kay part behind machine learning is big data. Big data is the new oil of the future and is data that is on a scale that our brains as humans cannot even comprehend. It is how our machines these days learn and grow and continue to surpass us. The biggest and arguably scariest implication of big data within machine learning is artificial intelligence. AI is our future and is is much closer than we think. Artificial intelligence is able to think far past what the human brain can and will overall control every part of society as we know it. This sounds amazing and like a future we only see in movies but it is very much here. The scariest part is that there is no stopping it and there is no telling how far it may go. 

Machine learning also hits on so many more topics that we see every single day within our lives. Such as facial recognition on our iPhones. Also within our countries such as Japan and China we have seen this be taken to a whole other level. Facial recognition is being used within security footage, cross walks, grocery shopping, and even public transportation. All of this can be seen with the documentary Age of AI. The biggest question we have now is how far are we away form a future were we are controlled by robots? Will we advance so far to a point where humans are meaningless? For now we just have to wait and see what the future holds. 

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